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Rock Bottom- Highlands Ranch Prototype






Highlands Ranch, CO


6,000 SF

Photo Apr 25 7 18 13 PM
C raftworks brand Rock Bottom only serves beer that has been brewed on site. While dining or having a beer you are surrounded by the brewing experience. The bar is close to the brew house, the beginning of the brewing process, the dining room is adjacent to the fermentation tanks. Rock Bottom is about fresh beer everyday.
Photo Apr 25 7 19 35 PM
Photo Apr 25 7 18 13 PM
Exterior Side
You may not have personal trainers, personal shoppers or a personal chef, but at Rock Bottom everyone has a personal brewer. The brewers craft fresh beer inspired by their very own experiences and they take the term craft beer seriously. It's part art, part science, and part unbridled obsession that makes them devote their lives to beer making. Their self-imposed standards of quality are over the mood, and we love them for that.
Photo Apr 25 7 18 06 PM