Creating Sustainable Mixed-Use Buildings
Graphite believes in weaving sustainability into every decision we make as architects, planners, and designers. Whether in pursuit of sustainable development bonuses, reducing carbon emissions, optimizing operational consumption of water and energy, or building infrastructure to support carbon-free transportation.
Your goals are Graphite's goals.

Through the design process, we lead the team on a path of discovery. We collectively listen to all parties as the team develops strategies to achieve sustainability goals. At Graphite, we believe in strategies that leverage more area and diverse uses while reducing material, waste, and emissions.
We believe in the triple bottom line to optimize People, Planet, and Profit.

Our portfolio includes LEED Gold, Salmon Safe, and Fitwel certified buildings, and our knowledge of Living Building strategies and LEED Platinum takes our certification expertise further.
We have delivered 5.5 million square feet of LEED Gold Certified buildings.